Sex, sex, sex. And video games.

(Now, there’s a post title that should get plenty of search hits!)

Games are a maturing medium. One day, perhaps, we’ll see games that are significant commentaries on life, the universe and everything – and we’ve gotten some that are better than others in that regard. But on the whole, games aren’t there yet.

Daniel Floyd thinks that’s because games aren’t terribly good at sex. He’s a grad student at Savannah School of Art and design, apparently. And he’s come up with a thought-provoking look at sex in video games, included here for your edification (not titillation).

Interesting how he’s imitating yahtzee on the style.

Also, special bonus linkage: I’ve just ordered Pat Kane’s The Play Ethic, which will apparently blow my mind (it says so on the dust jacket). But before I have the chance to write a full review, check out how games will save your workday . . . in the future!

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